second day after spring term examination ended..
huu...rase dh lame sgt tak sempat nk update blog many things happened...:) =(
exam kali ni rasenya tersangatlah penat kalau nk compare ngn exam sebelumnya..
maybe sebab banyak bermain-main ngan perasaan jgk yang menyebakan exam kali ni agak terbeban.
yelah..ingat diri penulis ni iron woman ke nk stdy hard and being nerdy,specky gul for about 4 5 weeks..wahaha.x larat dgn bnyak problem sndri..huu..housemates pun tgh mengalami musim lara,so,agak x sempat la nk pk lara sndiri..hee..yelah,kalo sume org down,sape nk support kami,ye tak?hee..saya kena la be strong..huu..(sgt x larat sbnarnye..redha n tenangla wahai hatiku~~)
alhamdulillah,exam akhirnye berakhir dgn selamat..5 papers for straight 4 days..modules last semester were probabilty theory II,statistical theory II,vector calculus,groups and rings,and complex anaysis...=)
walaupon soklan exam agak susah di permulaan exam,paper2 last sy agak berpuas hati la..hehe..
erk..mama, ku yang lain..doakan adik ye..(senyum ngan muka berharap) :)
term baru sepatutnye bermula esok,3rd of may 2010..summer term untuk kali ni ade 6 weeks..after that,exam..(again)..pastu bleh balik Malaysia dah..yeay!!
modules akn dtg ade 2 je..numerical analysis and differential equation..senior ckp susah..(tatott..eerr)
xpela..bersyukur..hehe..sbb monday n wednesday will have no classes throughout the!! =)
kepada org len yg bnyak modules term ni especially manchester uni,sila bersabar n jgn jeles ye..ngeh2..(senyum jahat)
ohh ye..sbnrnye skrang dh sgt malas nk tdo ag sbb nk tunggu subuh.masuk waktu subuh agak awal skrg..seawal 2.44 a.m.lg sejam la..sabar ye encik mata..
hari sgt penat..awal2 pg,dh kena bangun awal(eventhough exam dh abes),sbb nk tumpang kak mai n da gang gi carboot d wigginton.(eja betul ni)
sempatla diri penulis ngan siti fatin merembat sebuah coffee table yg diperbuat dr kayu yg maha berat..penat seyh nk sgt puas hati..harga=GBP4.hhee..bahagi empat orang la byar..best2..bley letak kat ruang tamu..ade la meja kami nk mkn nnti..hehe..
and for myself,sempat rembat set corner table.3 tables,for GBP2..murah,seronok.dh lame nk..hehehe...
meja yang baru dibeli tu..hehe..gbp2 untuk ketiga-tiga sekaliptg lak kami bertiga without ekin ari pegi BBQ kat umah kak ayu..ala2 party org much food..kami mkn smpai perut nk pecah.wahaha..bakar2 chicken wings,lamb ribs,pastu ade jgk udang2..hehe..kami bawak caramel pudding je..berbangga sbb sgt mndapat sambutan hangat..hehehe..bleh wat lg nih.o ye..ekin x dpt join us bcos her fren came from nottingham uni..hee..sorry ye ekin kami balik lmbat..mkn2,n tgk filem n drama td.3 cter smpat la khatam td..nizam kambing,aduhai si pari-pari,and jgk the spy..=)
esok nk start new decoration for my sweet room ni..hee..but still have no idea how and which one should i start first..hummm :( pictures to upload yet..maybe after i finished with my deco..:)
terasa nk tido...nantok...alahai..layan cter la dulu..:)
bnyak cter nk cover since time exam x tgk tv..hehe(yelah tu)..
keadaan bilik after diubah suai sket..hehe..comel kan dinding tu??sngt suka..=)