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Thursday, 20 May 2010

york yg panas..

hehe..yeay! wheather UK dh bertmbah panas..(specifically in york).

22 degrees..agak panas la..haha..ade sorang mamat hong kong came join us for lunch in

roger kirk cafe today.he asked us why r we still wearing our scarf in this kind of

wheather..kind of hot..haha.(nk je jawab,kalo kat neraka lg panas)..tp mesti dy x fhm

ape tu neraka..so,jawapn senang,we used to wear it in any kind of weather n bcos we love it,hehe..

mamat tu ckp lg,my face ade sedikit chinese look la..huu..agak konpius..mane dtg iras

cina on my face pun x tau..ade yg ckp mcm muka siam..muka acheh pun ade..

er..i am truly n hundred percent Malaysian okeyh...haha.lawak la korang ni..

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